Pluto Square Eris
Earlier this week I wrote a post about the dwarf planet Eris – a quick primer on Eris’s vibe and her relationship with discord and chaos. I mentioned that she and Pluto, another dwarf planet that most are probably more familiar with, are squaring up again with each other for the third time this year (they will match up in this alignment a total of five times before Pluto moves out of Capricorn.)
Squares (when two planets align at a 90 degree angle) are points of tension and friction. I have always seen squares in a chart as a place of opportunity for growth and when moments like this come up, they’re often catalysts for action… if you’re paying attention and willing to do the work. If not, they can just be flat out devastating.
The first of the three squares this year took place on January 26, the second, June 14, the third today, December 10.
Squares are catalysts for action… if you’re paying attention and willing to do the work. If not, they can be flat out devastating.
Pluto hanging out in Capricorn (the sign of structure, and how we relate to the world around us) has brought some truly Plutonian things from the darkness of that world. Pluto has been there since 2008 and who can’t say that we’ve witnessed quite a bit of darkness from “behind the curtain” if you will of the “big societal structures” ruled by the Sea Goat? Big business, government and so on? It’s been almost overwhelming, almost numbing the things we’ve seen over the past 12 years. It’s also been uncomfortable. Why? Because Capricorn likes tradition, and the traditional way of life. But Pluto is forcing the shadow side forward, and that’s when things have to change.
Numerous influential planets lining up in Capricorn over the course of the year (Saturn, Jupiter and even Mars) has brought havoc to our world. We’ve watched, and experienced, it play out.
Numerous planets lining up in Capricorn over the course of the year have brought havoc… we have watched, and experienced it play out.
As I mentioned at the end of my last post on Eris, this planet on the other hand, is hanging out in Aries. The most aggressive, selfish sign in the zodiac. The first house, the first incarnation, identified by the “I AM” concept. Me first. In its lowest evolution Aries is incredibly selfish, impulsive, reactive and aggressive. In its highest evolution Aries is protective, ambitious, passionate and honest.
One way or another, Pluto brings the truth to the forefront, or the shadow into the light. One way or another. Always. Eris in Aries leaves us to decide whether we will take the high road, or the low road. So far, we’ve gone low.
One way or another, Pluto brings the truth to the forefront, or the shadow to the light… Eris in Aries leaves us to decide whether we will take the high road or the low road… so far it seems we’ve gone low.
Of all the analysis I’ve encountered, the one that aligns the most with mine, but is obviously more eloquently put, is from Steven Forrest. According to Steven the way we’re pushed into the truth happens one of two ways: either by liberation (through realization) or in the form of people reacting from being poked in their wounds (or shadowed) places.
Our fear of the “big bad world” (the shadow side of Capricorn) coming for us, taking away our liberties, makes us defend our rights to self-choice and independence. We don’t want to isolate, we don’t want to give up living the way we do. Even if it’s temporary. Even if it’s just an exercise in self-restraint. Even if it’s an evolution into the higher expression of the Eris in Aries placement: protective, ambitious, passionate, honest. But that’s the other side of Eris in Aries: I am. I am more important and I will fight against the darkness I see in the shadow of the BIG corporate and government world by doing what’s best for me. That’s the other way to learn. It’s just uglier, and harder.
Our fear of the “big bad world” or the shadow side of Capricorn, coming for us, taking away our liberties, makes us defend our rights to self-choice and independence. That’s the low evolution of Eris in Aries: I am. There’s no “other.”
Because when we zoom out, what’s really best for the individual here, is actually best for the group. Remember, “what Eris loves more than winning, is watching you lose.” So Eris won’t just let us see that and Pluto is setting us up to be challenged. No growth under Pluto’s watch comes without sacrifice. Will we realize that there is an I in team: it’s each of us, showing up doing the work – every team is made of “I’s” who decide the group is worth the effort and sacrifice.
Selfishness however, likely got us to a place where a vaccine is coming in the Spring. That’s Eris in Aries too. Remember there are two sides to each planet, placement, sign and house… remember also that Eris will force you to be the most excellent version of yourself when pushed to the extreme. But in Aries she will also bring out the carelessness of the shadow in Aries; the one who doesn’t care, or doesn’t think about how others might be affected by our choices.
No growth under Pluto’s watch comes without sacrifice.
So each of us, individually, are being called here, at the turning point of this season, to decide how to manifest this alignment. Which way will you allow this tension to show up for you? Are you an individualist, facing the shadow of Pluto’s pull with indignation? Or are you standing as ONE within the group, allowing the challenge to evolve you?
Which way will you allow this tension to show up for you? Are you an individualist facing the shadow of Pluto’s pull with indignation? Or are you standing as ONE within the GROUP, allowing the challenge to evolve you?
Only time will tell how the majority behaves and the consequences or rewards play out. But make no mistake, these are difficult days ahead, and as we move toward the portal of the Great Conjunction, we’ll feel misalignment much more strongly than in normal times, so be wise how you progress.
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