Their loyalty to their children is unparalleled in the zodiac.
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Dates: October 23 -November 21
Symbol: Scorpion
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Scorpio mamas love deep and hard. They’re an interesting mix of protective and nurturing, and they’re not ones you want to cross twice, especially when it comes to their little ones. They’re soft and loving, but fierce and strong, and overprotective and slightly controlling. Their loyalty to their children is unparalleled in the zodiac; when their babies come on the scene, all else fades away; their kids (and their safety and well-being) becomes priority number one. Scorpio mamas take to motherhood quickly; for a water sign, nurturing comes naturally. Soon any anxiety of being so attached to someone else isn’t scary, instead the fear of ever NOT being attached to this little person is what terrifies you… how will you ever let go!?
Ever suspicious, Scorpio moms will suspect danger and foul play in most situations and will never fear asking the hard questions about health and security. They want to know their kiddos well; they have a deep need to understand what makes them tick. Laced into all the physiological analysis and intensity, Scorpio moms have a free-spirited, bohemian quality to their parenting as well that comes through in surprising ways. They shun chemicals and prefer natural remedies.
They like their children to feel like they can freely express themselves and their feelings, but they do worry about oversharing in public places; Scorpios are deeply private and well-mannered and they do become very disoriented and unsure of how to handle a wiley toddler in public. But if someone does say something about your child’s behavior, they’ll likely wish they didn’t! You’ll defend your kiddos honor to the end: nobody says anything bad about your angel!
As one of the most intuitive signs, Scorpio moms tend to be pretty tapped in to their children’s needs, and even sometimes feel like they can communicate on unspoken wavelengths with their kiddos (depending on the sign.) Everything you do is for a reason and once your little one is in the picture, it likely has something to do with them. You’re always thinking (and sometimes worrying) ahead; you want the very best for your kids and to keep them from any unnecessary struggle or pain.
The entire experience of motherhood is thrilling and terrifying to Scorpio mamas all at the same time. Enthralled and bewildered (how did I make this beautiful thing, and how will I keep it safe and alive!?) Scorpio mamas can get dark and worry about all the terrible things that could possibly go wrong. The 8th house ruled by Scorpio spans death and rebirth and some of the more underbelly themes of our world, so some Scorpio mamas can find themselves truly panicked by all the dark possibilities that lay lurking in the world, waiting to prey on their innocent babies. They would do well to try to lighten up and remember that motherhood is joyous, and most things work out for the best, rather than strike fear and doubt into their kiddos hearts. But you’ll never find a mother quite as dedicated and loyal as a Scorpio mother; when she says she’d die for her kids, she really, truly means it.