this mama is involved in many things at a time
Sun Sign: Gemini
Dates: May 21 – June 20
Symbol: The Twins
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Gemini moms are fun, fun, fun. Always talking (her sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the intellect and communication), complex, paradoxical at times, this is the mama you want to sit with at baseball practice because she’ll make the time fly (and you’ll probably learn a thing or two as well!) This mama is a big personality, with free flowing energy and thought, but with a contradictory micromanaging side to her; all in she can be a bit confusing for her kids! She’s wild and controlled at the same time, trying new things but in a structured way, which can be a really exciting way to grow up! All the adventure, none of the risk! Always dipping into a new hobby, or putting together a book club, this mama is involved in many things at a time; you’ll want to be in touch with her because she’s got a finger on the pulse of pretty much everything. With a Gemini around, you never know what will come next!
They have strong opinions, and tend to have done much research to have formed those opinions, so be prepared if you intend to challenge a Gemini’s beliefs: this is one mama who truly embodies the “mama knows best” mentality. For all of her buzzing about she has a strong connection with her children because they know her interest is genuine – she wants to know what’s on their minds and she puts careful thought into her parental choices and structures. Her children also know they’ll always get a straight, honest answer from her; she’ll never try to pull the wool over their eyes. For all of her certainty of her mind, Gemini moms can be quite anxious; her mind is always running, it rarely quiets, and that constant hum can get to you from time to time as it’s not always “good stuff” running through.
Gemini moms may be the kind that are hard to get a hold of sometimes, or hard to make plans with, but she’s not necessarily “fly by the seat of her pants.” As a Gemini mom you will have many adventures and your children will admire the diversity of experience you brings to the table. Your children will be well exposed to different ideas, foods, cultures, locations, music… you name it. Gemini’s incessant need for variety will keep her kids diversified in all aspects of their lives. Well-rounded is an understatement for kids of a Gemini mama!