Even if astrology is a new frontier for you, most everyone knows their “astrological sign” or “zodiac sign” – which is in essence, their Sun sign. Your Sun sign is the zodiac sign the Sun fell under at the time and date of your birth. The Sun spends approximately one month in each sign over the course of a year, hence the 12 zodiac signs. In astrology, the Sun is referred to as a “planet” even though it, and the moon, are actually “luminaries.”
Some say the Sun is the most important single factor of a person’s natal chart. I would say it’s incredibly formative, but it’s only one of 10 planets (and some other stars) an astrologer will consider when looking at your natal chart. It’s like saying your hair color is the most important factor in describing what you look like. Or your favorite pastime is the best way to understand who you are as a person. There’s so much more to look into, to be open to and that participates in making you who you are.
Your Sun sign is the most known and relatable placement however, because it represents the part of you that wants to shine out into the world. It indicates how you express your life force and energy and your desire to grow and develop as an individual. It determines how others see you, and governs your drive to fulfill your goals in life.
Your dynamic expression of your free will is manifested through all the activity of the other planets in your chart, but it filters through here first; your Sun shines a light that touches on all the other placements on your chart.
One astrologer I studied compared it to a painting: your Sun sign is like the broad strokes the artist first makes – they outline the general shape and contours. In this way, your Sun sign shares your general character: are you high-strung or flexible? How do you cope with stress and responsibility? Are you sociable? Detail-oriented? Good at making friends?
Sometimes you may feel your Sun sign misses the mark and doesn’t “sound like you.” Sometimes it won’t- if I told you I described you to a friend of mine you had never met and all I said was that you had dark hair, would you feel like that would be a full representation? Likely not.
You are a complex and unique individual and to decode all of your complexity would involve looking at your personal birth chart. For the purposes of this section, these Sun signs address personality generalities and how they manifest in the role of Motherhood, and how they interact with the personality generalities of the signs in a child role. So they may not feel 100% like you all the time, but they will capture your essence and your approach to Motherhood in all its beauty.