Fun and joy is the name of the game after the “must dos” are done
Sun Sign: Leo
Dates: July 23-August 23
Symbol: The Lion
Ruling Planet: Sun
Always put together, ready for fun, and maybe a little bit dramatic, is the Leo mama. Creative, passionate, protective and bold, these moms really commit themselves to the full experience of parenting 100%, pure heart and soul. Incredibly hands-on mamas, they tend to be involved in every aspect of their children’s rearing: education, diet, activities, friends, you name it. Their end goal is to raise children as strong and capable as they are; they want to raise their cubs into independent lions who can take over their own pride one day: nothing would make a Leo mama more proud! Eternal children themselves, Leos love parenting because they get to creatively express through and with their kids (think everything from Disney trips, to decorating themed rooms, to the best birthday parties in town.) They want their kids to have so much fun (and have fun themselves too!) Always stylish, Leo moms won’t turn down attention, but they don’t intentionally try to outshine their kids. They can have a tendency to micromanage or overdirect; there is a bit of a controlling side to Leo moms – not everything that looks this good does on it’s own, am I right!?
Leo moms are champions of self-expression and creative-expression; they believe their children should discover who they are and be able to explore their minds and beliefs freely. They have very high standards and they hold their children to these as well; Leo moms have wonderful manners and make sure they teach their children these traits as well – reputation matters. Fun and joy is the name of the game and is the goal of the day so after the “must dos” are done Leo moms like to get down to the business of having a good time. They are exceptional entertainers, hostesses and planners, and they throw amazing parties. They are generous with their time and money and they love giving and receiving gifts. They can be a bit self-centered and dramatic at times, but this tends to make their style amusing (if not at times exhausting) but overall Leo moms are supermoms, making other moms feel like slackers! You take on a lot, and your home is often the holiday headquarters and the hub of most of the family activities. Warm and always welcoming, Leo moms make their kids feel valued and worthy and are always there with an encouraging word, ready to cheer them on in whatever endeavor they wish to pursue!