When a Capricorn becomes a Mother, she is ever the ambitious parent
Sun Sign: Capricorn
Dates: (December 22-January 19)
Symbol: The Goat
Ruling Planet: Saturn
I have always had admiration for the Capricorn women I’ve known. They say you can’t actually multitask, but if you can get close, then Capricorns can. Capricorns are forever the multitasks of the zodiac. Those born under this sign are marked with a sense of responsibility, authority, and a deep desire for purpose and destiny. When a Capricorn becomes a Mother, she is ever the ambitious parent. Even with such drive she is there with a tender touch, knowing the way to make her child feel comforted, understood and protected… oh, and the perfect homemade peach crumble recipe for the end of school picnic, of course! Strong, persevering, and masterful planners, Capricorn mothers often think ahead for their children. They have respect for process and they understand how much reputation matters. They don’t want to be an average, run of the mill mom and they don’t want their children to have an average kind of childhood; they want to create authentic memories that are unique. As a Capricorn mother you know how to keep your children grounded in practicality, how to keep them safe, make them feel special and loved, and how to sprinkle a touch of magic on their every day by showing them how to make the impossible, possible.
As the “Father” figure of the zodiac, you’ll often put practical choices ahead of emotional ones, choosing to invest in things with longer term benefits (think private school tuition or 529s) over short term experiences (think expensive toys) as you are cautious and conservative with money. But while practical thoughtfulness reigns, you do desperately want your children to have all the things you feel like you didn’t have growing up, and your children become motivating factors for all that you do and all that you want to achieve. Saturn is your ruler, and Saturn is all about structure. So even when you struggle with these things, like keeping a routine or staying organized, it bothers you, because you hold on to the idea that living well, or living “right” means having an organized existence.
“Me time,” “Alone time,” “Solo time,” whatever you may call it, will make you a better, happier and stronger mother. Capricorns are said to “age in reverse,” becoming more lighthearted and freer as they get older. Embrace the change and loosen up on the reins when and where you can. Capricorns often get generalized as the CEOs of the zodiacs, and rightfully so: they do tend to be able to get stuff done – and that driving energy they contain is how they do it. But they are deeply and intuitively creative and they don’t get enough credit for that. One of your great skills will be showing your children how to link creativity to organization – many Capricorns are drawn to the creative arts and have successful careers in these arenas, but it takes a skilled mind to build a career, as well as an ambitious drive, and you have both. Modeling this confidence and ability to your children is one of your greatest gifts. Be wary though, you can be a bit of an elitist, and you may find yourself over-encouraging your children to achieve in certain areas. Many Capricorn parents are the most competitive out there!
Capricorns are often colored by a childhood that carried difficult experiences, or large amounts of early responsibility and therefore many Capricorn kids are overachievers and this follows them into adulthood. Many Capricorn mothers regard their own mother as having a strong personality which fueled their ambition and drove them toward achieving. They work hard to create a fun, carefree and creative childhood for their kiddos, simply because they feel as though they didn’t have one, but you know how to tow the line: you simply won’t accept a spoiled child, or an ungrateful one and you’re happy to pull back if necessary to make sure the right values are instilled.
For you, life is serious business, and so is Motherhood – it is sacred. You are always asking, “Am I fulfilling my responsibilities? Am I achieving as much as I should be? Am I self reliant enough? Am I living the way I want to be? Am I setting the right example?” For all your strength and capability, you are, in your core, something of a worrier. You can fall down a rabbit hole of pessimism, insecurity and doubt. But you have all the abilities to achieve the impossible, and if you look back over your life, odds would have it, you probably already have, more than once. People see you as quite sensational, capable and interesting, and your children see you as a steadfast rock. It will be your greatest challenge and your biggest achievement to see yourself through your children’s eyes.