Adaptogen Series Two!
Welcome back to the second post of the Wednesday Wellness Adaptogen Series!
Today I’m sharing the Lung Tea: CommuniTea from Anima Mundi Herbals. This adaptogenic Tea is supportive of overall respiratory health, specifically the lungs. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes the lungs are where we carry trauma, grief and emotional pain. Autumn is also associated with the lungs in TCM, making this tea a really wonderful choice for the next couple of weeks.

Health Benefits
With COVID-19 prevalent across the US and other parts of the world, bringing in herbs like Astralagus (immune boosting, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory), Nettles (manages blood sugar, flushes bacteria from the urinary tract), Ginger (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory), Reishi (boosts white blood cells, lessens fatigue) and Holy Basil (reduces inflammation) among others, this tea offers up a powerful boost to the lungs!
Additionally in TCM, maintaining consistently healthy energy through the respiratory system leads to clear thinking, openness to creativity, new ideas and clear communication. There is so much happening astrologically over the coming month as we enter the Age of Aquarius; our minds and bodies need to be ready as we individually and collectively move into the beginning of a new cycle. Cleansing our vital systems is one simple step to streamlining our energies and simplifying this process.

The tea comes loose leaf, you can use a tea infuser, or organic, chemical-free, biodegradable tea sachets (I use these.)
Once steeped, add honey or agave if desired (I use local honey from a neighbor) and don’t feel bad enjoying with a cookie!

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