Nadine Naue
Aquarian, Model, Stylist, Momprenuer, and Femme Extraordinaire
Nadine is a master at many things. One of them, is her homemade Matcha – the making of which is a simple but beautiful ritual that I have the good fortune to be on the receiving end of, when we have a cup from time to time.
I met Nadine through a mutual friend, and, like with most Aquarius women, I was enamored, intimidated and instantly adoring of her unique style, her confidence, her authentic self-expression and her ability to completely accept everyone exactly as they are.
I should also mention, my Libra sun is happy as clam to chat all day long with her about ALL the things… literally, everything. We once spent 12 full hours at a day spa and I don’t think we stopped talking the entire time! So, if you don’t have an Aquarius in your friend group, I suggest you find one immediately! And if you need a friend and a stylist, then simply call Nadine!
Originally from Munich, Germany, Nadine now lives in New Jersey with her wonderful husband, George, their five year old son, Jasper and their new puppy, Juno. Nadine started her styling business, Notes From Nadine, a couple of years ago now (along with a number of other projects in design and styling) and astrologically, it’s clear why she’s on this specific path.

Birth Chart Analysis
When it comes to Nadine’s career choice, you could say her career chose her and organically evolved and you would be right… and her birth chart echoes that story. Looking at her chart is looking at a destiny threaded with creative artistry, individual expression and entrepreneurial spirit.
Nadine’s moon is in Aries in her 10th house, so she feels her most invigorated when she’s involved in exciting, challenging or new experiences. Her need for travel and and exploration (hello, international modeling career!) isn’t simply wanderlust. In her case, it’s actually her need to satisfy her emotional body, which is something like a pioneer: it needs new experiences and undiscovered frontiers in order to grow. Lucky for her in the 10th house, the house of career, which also rules how we see ourselves, our public persona and our life’s work, this can be fulfilled through new work endeavors and projects … (something which Nadine has plenty of!)
As an Aquarian sun, she’s already an innovator, but this is echoed in her 10th house Aries moon placement, a signature that also makes her VERY good at getting things off the ground. Aries is the sign of the initiator; action and beginnings are born of Aries placements (as are many entrepreneurs.)
Nadine’s Midheaven (which also rules our career and life’s work) falls in Pisces, with Mars and Venus conjunct. This conjunction alone indicates Nadine’s ease in the public eye and the charm she so effortlessly exudes. But maybe more importantly, this is where Nadine’s inner artist comes through. AND it’s why her work and her life are so intrinsically intertwined. She can’t divide her private life from her work: her purpose is part of how she’s built, it’s not a function of what she does or the skills she earns over time.
With a Midheaven in Pisces her private, most intimate feelings are channeled through her work and Mars conjunct the Nadir gives her ambition and drive and is part of why she developed a such a strong sense of self and independence from a young age. With the addition of Venus conjunct the Nadir as well, she also has a romantic view of, and an intensified love for the work she does.
Innately Nadine’s work is tied to her high destiny with her Pluto in Scorpio in the 5th house. Her destiny lies in creative work, and it puts her center stage.
This is just the beginning for Nadine; I’m so happy you will all have a chance to know her a bit more..
Read on for her full interview.

Who inspires you the most in your work?
People who enjoy leaving their comfort zone.
What was it like to travel all over the world as a model?
Exciting, inspiring, mind opening, scary, lonely…best thing I could have ever done at the time!!!
Favorite place? Because?
I absolutely cannot pick one. I’ve seen so many beautiful places that are so different and that I adore for different reasons. My “Heimat” which is around Munich (Germany) because I love mountains and the whole culture around being outdoors, Paris because of the architecture, fashion and street cafe culture. Myconos (Greece) because it’s so picturesque and has crystal clear turquoise water and great night life. Barcelona also because of the architecture, it’s extremely laid back (hello, siesta!) and the beach culture.
When did you know that your passion was/could become your career?
When other people pointed it out to me!
Most famous person you’ve met:
Jim Carrey, Jude Law, Jay – Z, Cara Delevigne, Matthew Broderick
Where is the strangest place you (or someone else) has seen your image?
A magazine cover that was for sale in a antique/vintage store… That was one of the moments I couldn’t help but feel old!
Tell us a joke:
Eventually, everyone will be quarantined to their houses with no sports to watch…and in 9 months from now a boom of babies will be born…and we will call them “Coronials.“
Is there one achievement/award/campaign you’re most proud of, and why?
I think I’m most proud of stepping out of my comfort zone constantly, being open for new ventures and challenges.

Why do you find fashion, styling and clothes so empowering?
It’s just another piece of “the puzzle.” It matters just as much as how you care what food you put in your body, what beauty products you put on your skin, how you stay in shape. It’s all about self-worth and how you show up for yourself!!
How has fashion evolved for women over time in a way you think gives us more or less control?
We can express ourselves and show who we are more than ever! There is less judgment around what is acceptable f.e. how short a skirt can be or how tight or oversized….in terms of styles we have every freedom f.e. classic, athleisure, masculine, super feminine, sexy, colorful & bold, minimalism… All these styles are in “fashion” — you can really be you and the only rule is that the clothes should fit you properly and make you feel your very best self!!
Worst rejection you’ve ever experienced:
I probably felt more rejection in my private life, just like everybody else when you try to develop relationships or friendships. In the fashion industry I realized very early on that “rejection” is not personal. At the end of the day, as a model you need to sell a product or a feeling, and it can be as simple as that the product just looks better on a blonde or the blouse falls better with a bigger bust or that you still look too young for that anti-age moisturizer your are auditioning for. It’s really not that personal therefore it doesn’t feel like rejection.
What has been the most surprising about running your own business?
How hard it is to turn off your head, stop thinking about work and being more present in the moment.
Closest you’ve come to death?
Fainting and being unconscious for a little too long!
What’s in your purse right now?
Face mask, hand sanitizer, wallet, sunglasses, gloves, little make up bag.

Favorite show currently or last show you binge watched?
“The Morning Show” on Apple+ TV.
Song on repeat?
“DREAMS” by Fleetwood Mac
Books on bedside table?
Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo
ONE beauty product you would take to deserted island:
First kiss:
Ha! Cute, innocent and stiff.
Current indulgence/guilty pleasure?
Spicy chips!
Most useful business resource:
Other female entrepreneurs.
Favorite part of your job:
Traveling, meeting and really getting to know different kinds of people, helping.
Most annoying part of your job:

First stamp in your passport when you can fly freely again?
First celebrity crush:
Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic!
Current celebrity crush:
Do influencers count? @camillecharriere @alisontoby @giorgiatordini @ninasandbech
Have you ever disliked something and changed your mind?
Yes! Caviar…never cared for it before but recently tried Beluga caviar and really liked it!
Best parenting hack:
Empty card board boxes.
How do you take your coffee?
I only really drink Matcha but when I do drink coffee I would add either whole or oat milk.

Thank you for joining us!
Make sure to visit Nadine at: www.notesfromnadine.com, @notesfromnadine or at www.glamhive.com (where you can book a digital styling experience!)
Photography by: Jessica Lee
Styled by: Nadine Naue