Enchanting Candles
Making candles and imbuing them with intention is actually one of the easiest ways to manifest if you’re new to spells and intention and evoking the divine within.
Beeswax candles are made from the same base materials each time, and can be enhanced with meaningful herbs, flowers, colors and oils and then sealed with a manifesting mantra which will come back to focus each time you choose to burn it.
It is really one of my favorite and easiest methods of magic at home and the kids can help with choosing herbs, colors and oils and choose a mantra for their own (of course exercise caution with the melted wax and any time you have a candle live burning around children.)
It is believed that in modern witchcraft, words are wands – what is your intention?
What do you need to manifes
What do you need to manifest?
Calm? Clarity?
Patience? Action? Passion?
It can be anything really. Spells are internally focused; one of the biggest misrepresentations of magic is that you can manipulate others with it; much like in our own lives, we cannot control others.
We can only decide how we will bring positivity into our own realms, how we will react to the things that happen to us, and whether or not we decide that we are not the sum of our experiences, but instead that we are the evolution of the lessons those experiences present to us.
Candle magic is very old in practice, but to keep it simple and accessible, I suggest starting with a straightforward base of ingredients and then growing into it.
Even if you don’t want to get into the spiritual side of it, beeswax candles are amazing on so many levels.
They actually help to clean the air in your house! They release negative ions which help neutralize pollutants in the air like dust, mold and smells. Soy and paraffin candles on the other hand, release toxins into the air as they are chemically processed from oil to become wax.
As a byproduct of the beekeeping industry, beeswax requires no processing and is 100% natural and more sustainable to the environment. They also burn slower because they are denser than soy candles, so they have longer life and more hours of use!

What You’ll Need
- For 16 Candles (For gift-making for the holidays! Divide portions for fewer candles.)
- 16 Empty Jars (you can use mason jars, or buy candle jars specifically; they are easy to find online)
- 2 lbs Beeswax Pellets (I like to buy organic, sustainably and ethically sourced beeswax – here’s a great option. White or yellow pellets work equally well, but if you plan to color your candles white pellets take the color better)
- 2 Cups of a Carrier Oil (olive oil or coconut oil work well and most people have some in their kitchen)
- 16 Candle Wicks (hemp wicks are great; I used these because they were left over, you can find these here, they come with double sided stickers to help keep the wicks down)
- Wick Centering Sticks (you can buy these, make them out of popsicle sticks, or get creative using chopsticks or anything else you can wrap the wick around and lay across the top of the candle!)
- Sauce Pot / 4lb Pouring Pot / 2 Cup Glass Measuring Cup (it’s key to have the spout on the side to pour the melted wax)
- Scented Oils (this is up to you; choose by pleasure of scent or meaning.)
- Herbs/Flowers (optional and again entirely your choice; there is no right and wrong. Choose what you like or for meaning: for example, Lavender is known to calm, ylang ylang is known to boost mood, hibiscus is known to lower blood pressure and relax and so on)
- Also optional: Mica Powder (for color) and/or Semi-precious Gemstones (for meaning.)

1. Fill up dutch oven or larger sauce pot halfway full with water; bring to a boil
2. Add wax and oil to the smaller sauce pot / 4 lb pouring pot / 2 cup glass measuring cup (if you’re using the measuring cup you’ll have to do this multiple times as the full recipe won’t fit in its entirety)
3. Place smaller sauce pot / 4 lb pouring pot / 2 cup glass measuring cup into the boiling water, allow contents to melt until clear.
4. While the wax is melting, center your wicks in your candle jars using the centering sticks and tape circles
5. Carefully pour the wax mixture into the candle jars leaving a little room at the top
6. Add 10-15 drops of desired oil into each candle (unless you want them all to smell the same, then you can add your oil to the larger pot before you pour. If this is the case, use 25-75 drops depending on how intense you want the scent to be. Use quality oils; low end oils can lead to poor scent.)
7. While adding your oils, this is the best time to imbue your candle with your intention/mantra. With each drop of oil repeat your mantra. For example, “I ask for peace and calm.” “May passion and drive come through me.” “May I find the clarity I seek.” This is the mantra you will repeat each time you light this candle. If you’re imbuing the candle as a gift, may I recommend something like: “May this candle bring you prosperity emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially; I wish this for you with good will and pure intention.”
8. Allow the candles to set for about 20 minutes or so before adding whatever herbs/flowers you want to float in the body of the candle.
9. Watch around the 30 minute mark as the top begins to set – this is when you want to add any elements you wish to be visible at the top of your candle (flower, stones, herbs, etc) it will be soft enough for you to set it in, without it sinking in.
10. When the candle has completely set, cut the wick to your desired length.
*If you want to add color, I recommend this mica powder or something like it. This can be added in at step 6, or mixed into the whole if you’d like all your candles to be the same color.

Happy manifesting! Please share your creations…! Sagittarius season is SUCH a wonderful time to set intentions with Jupiter overseeing this period, so get hopeful and wishful and dreamy (Neptune is back on your side too these upcoming weeks!!)