Welcome to Astrological Mama
They say children don’t come with instruction manuals. They don’t, but they do come with a birth chart!
Have you ever asked yourself: Why is s/he so stubborn? Why is s/he so emotional? Why is s/he such a ham!? How did s/he get so confident!? I was never like that? His/her brother/sister was never like that?
How do they all come SO different, and we don’t change right? We’re the same parent, and yet, THEY’RE ALL SO DIFFERENT!
Well, enter the birth chart.
Carl Sagan said, “we’re made of star stuff,” and it’s true. The carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms in our bodies, were created in previous generations of stars over 4.5 billion years ago. How could it be that the movement of the stars with which we share our elemental make up, wouldn’t have an affect on us? We are made of the same thing, and the stars do guide us. Just as the Moon pulls the tide, these stars do send vibrations through our souls.
Astrology is one of the oldest sciences in the world – in Indo-European cultures it can be dated back to the 3rd millennium BC, showing inclusion in calendrical systems, politics, and cultural circles. But let’s get real, in recent times it’s been relegated to the “Horoscope” section of pop culture magazines, or to incense-heavy new age stores, or designated as an unnecessary luxury to the super wealthy who, mind you, probably also have individual trainers for each of their Friesian horses.
My hope here is to make astrology logical, relatable, understandable and accessible to those who could benefit from it the most: my fellow mamas. Because, for me, it has made ALL the difference.
I have 5 kids in my house, and not one of them are the same. Two Leos even, and my goodness, are they different! But here’s the point, when you’re deep into raising your kids, all you want to do is understand them, help them, keep them safe and one day send them off into the world with all the skills they’ll need to be successful, right?
I’ll let you in on the first secret: The universe has already done part of that work for you, and sent you with a study guide. The birth chart helps us to see where we’re strong and should not grow complacent and where we came with work to do. Wouldn’t it be reassuring to know that your emotional child is that way because s/he came that way? Or that your perfectionist child is that way because s/he came that way? As parents we spend so much time worried that we’re doing something wrong, or that there’s something “wrong” with our kids because we’re doing too much or too little for them. The same is true for us. Are you a worrier as a parent and think you shouldn’t be? Are you laid back and think you should be more strict?
Well what if there’s no such thing as a helicopter mom? A hot-mess mom? A tiger mom? A bulldozer mom? A Pinterest mom? A hippie mom?
What if there’s just a Scorpio mom? A Gemini mom? A Capricorn mom? A Cancer mom? An Aquarius mom?
Being a mother is the biggest, hardest, most rewarding and challenging experience in the world and for me, I’m so grateful for it, FIVE times over. With social media and the growth of external mom-judgement, SO many women feel so much pressure live and be a certain way, or to raise their children a certain way. I believe that just like your child came with an innate nature, your mothering approach is natural to YOU, and the more you accept and lean into your natural state of parenting, without guilt and comparison, the more enjoyable it will become. And when you can see your children as incredibly different, independent souls on a journey all their own, and see your parenting role as a guide to your children and understand what kind of support and resources they need, parenting can become significantly more effortless.
What if there is no nature vs nurture? What if all we have to do is nurture our nature and nurture our children’s nature? What if we can let go of the guilt and the pressure and lean into our natural state of parenting?
Welcome to Astrological Mama. Join me while I share my knowledge of astrology and my personal parenting experiences and offer you a little insight to the stars that will hopefully make your experience on this crazy ride a little more illuminated.